The countdown is officially on for Christmas now! December 1st. A time when certain friends will allow their christmas lights to be turned on ;) finally
I'm hoping after Sheldon saw that email of the house with all the Christmas lights flashing in time to Amazing Grace, that he'll be motivated to put up at least one string of lights this week. To be fair, he HAS been working hard on our new family room, trying to have it open and comfortably heated in time for his family to enjoy Christmas morning. But still, lights outside would be nice?
Ella built a countdown at daycare with a tree at the top and the traditional red and green paper rings hanging down. I told her how she can now rip off the first ring and the shorter the chain gets, that means the closer we are to Christmas. She wouldn't do it. She doesn't want to ruin her work of art. I'll try again later when she's not still groggy from a nap.
Oh yah, in the photo is the countdown I made for the kids. It has 3 small chocolates in each little box. We'll see if Nash and Ella can resist the temptation to get ahead of themselves! I can just imagine that when we get to that bottom row, there will be nothing inside :)