Tuesday, April 6, 2010


These are some of my favourite scraplifts lately, sorry I don't have the names that I lifted from, but if I find them, I'll add them in here.

"confidence" was a lot of fun, all those patterned squares are actually my own doodling!

"Fright Night" was a lift from Kelly Purkey, I remember that much! Her page was red white and blue, I'll have to look up the title. I love Kelly's style, I'm taking her online class right now filled with different ideas on how to use sketches.

I apologize for not cropping these. I was super lazy and didn't even take some of them out of their protectors! Oh well, if you want a better look, they're in my family room ;)

Back from Holidays

Wow, was that ever a long holiday!!!

Wish I had been somewhere other than here, but alas, it was only a holiday from my blog. Sorry about that, I'm sure a lot of things have happened since I last posted, not sure who's still out there anymore, but I'll post some scrapbook pages for now, and hopefully another night I'll update you on our family goings-on...