Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Call Me Crazy!

...You wouldn't be the first!!!

Yes, we now have a second dog! Her name is Tundra. She is one of Turbo's sisters. We decided Turbo needed a playmate. So far, it couldn't have worked out better! They play together so much and keep each other company outside in their new doghouse on these chilly days. Now we don't have a problem with Turbo nipping at us anymore! He gets it all out on her and is very calm and relaxed with us! It's fantastic!

Personality-wise, Tundra likes to be the boss. I've never seen a dog eat so fast before (then swoop in to try to finish Turbo's food)! And she loves to get attention from everybody, following us around everywhere. Turbo is more of a "whatever" dog. He'll hang back and let her get her way, but still loves cuddles and attention when it's his turn :)

Tundra has a real problem with her eyes when it comes to having pictures taken of her, we get quite the glare. Her eyes are darker than Turbo's and have more of an upward tilt to them. I'll have to try more photos outside and/or without a flash.
They each have their own kennel to sleep in, but once in a while choose to nap together.
Turbo, forever champion of Most Photogenic Dog.
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Moments to Remember

I love doing scrapbook pages about special moments I have had with our kids that I want to always remember.

Journalling reads:
"We have this thing...I try to kiss say, 'I don't like kisses'...I reply, 'I don't like kisses either.'...Then you smile and pull me in for a kiss and I pretend to not like giggle and kiss me some more. Darn. 'Lost' again."
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wedding Pictures

If you are interested in seeing more wedding pictures from Nashville, visit this link:
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Nashville Trip

Had a fantastic time at Crystal & William's wedding down in Nashville, Tennessee, this past weekend!

Here I am with my life-long friend (literally, she was waiting for me in the nursery of the hospital when I was born). My girl, Tanya.
Crystal & William, so happy!
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Monday, October 13, 2008

Museum Trip

We had a great time in Winnipeg this weekend. Brooke and Marshall's wedding was beautiful, and we only lost Nash once!

On Sunday, we took the kids and Auntie Karyn to the Museum of Man and Nature. This was the first time there for the kids. It was so fun to see everything again that we had enjoyed when we were kids. Mommy had a great idea to keep the kids interested, they had a list of things they had to look for throughout the museum. Mason decided to keep the list for himself though and didn't want Nash and Ella's help (loves a challenge).
So many things to fascinate Auntie Karyn and keep her busy too. I love this display, it reminds us of scenes with Owen Wilson in "Night at the Museum"!
All aboard the "Nonsuch" ship! My favourite room. Love the feel, the smell, the history!
The kids having fun in the ship. They thought it was so cool that they were allowed on it.
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Friday, October 10, 2008

3 months

Turbo was 3 months on the 4th of October. I said I'd stop saying how many weeks he was....

Went to the vet this morning for his rabies shot, etc. He tipped the scales at 21 pounds! (was 6.4 at 6 weeks then 13.4 at 10 weeks) Now he doesn't need to go back for a year, except when he gets neutered come Jan-Mar/09.
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We're headed off for the weekend for my cousin Brooke's wedding in Winnipeg. Helena, Turbo's breeder, was so kind to let him board there for the weekend.

Here he is being greeted by his Mom (on the left), 2 older step sisters, and 4 sisters that haven't been adopted yet. The homecoming went really well, he fit right back in and I'm sure he'll have a fun weekend, just like us! It was so cute when Helena let them out of the fenced-in area and Turbo was laying down being sniffed by 7 dogs all at once. He took it well.

Sorry, no pictures of the kids lately, I'm sure I'll take some on the weekend!
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Saturday, October 4, 2008


A Dr. Seuss quote is perfect for a Nash page :)
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Fall Soccer

"The Gurr Brothers"
Nash is playing in his first season of soccer now! He is on the under 6 team and Mason is on the U8s. These are Hamiota's uniforms, pretty cool, I think. I was impressed.
Mason LOVES soccer! It is his sport of choice above all others. He'd love to work hard and play professionally someday.
I love how in this picture, Mason had had enough of a break and couldn't wait to get back out there on the field. In the next picture, Nash is displaying his natural goaltender abilities. He loves being able to run, run, run on the soccer field. When put in goal, he goes after everything, is constantly moving, even attempting cartwheels when the ball isn't close, for something to do.
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