Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Call Me Crazy!

...You wouldn't be the first!!!

Yes, we now have a second dog! Her name is Tundra. She is one of Turbo's sisters. We decided Turbo needed a playmate. So far, it couldn't have worked out better! They play together so much and keep each other company outside in their new doghouse on these chilly days. Now we don't have a problem with Turbo nipping at us anymore! He gets it all out on her and is very calm and relaxed with us! It's fantastic!

Personality-wise, Tundra likes to be the boss. I've never seen a dog eat so fast before (then swoop in to try to finish Turbo's food)! And she loves to get attention from everybody, following us around everywhere. Turbo is more of a "whatever" dog. He'll hang back and let her get her way, but still loves cuddles and attention when it's his turn :)

Tundra has a real problem with her eyes when it comes to having pictures taken of her, we get quite the glare. Her eyes are darker than Turbo's and have more of an upward tilt to them. I'll have to try more photos outside and/or without a flash.
They each have their own kennel to sleep in, but once in a while choose to nap together.
Turbo, forever champion of Most Photogenic Dog.
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