Turbo and Tundra are LOVING the spring weather we've been having!!! They are actually choosing to stay outside instead of coming in! Which is a good thing since they have to stay outside while we are painting this week. Hopefully the rain stays away for their sake.

The pups were 10 months old on the 4th! Somedays we forget they are still just pups, they seem full grown.

Again, Turbo loves the camera. He stares right at it, staying motionless. What a sweet sweet beautiful dog!

Had trouble getting Tundra to stay still and actually look at the camera. She doesn't quite get it.
From MARC; I'm disappointed.........no update since May 6th. Where have you gone??
Awwww, sorry to disappoint my most loyal fan!!! Computer tower has been under the weather, so haven't been downloading any pictures....guess that shouldn't stop me from sharing my fabulous wit though!
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